Thursday, October 31, 2019

Parliamentary sovereignty Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Parliamentary sovereignty - Coursework Example United Kingdom having unwritten constitution necessitates a likelihood of the parliament to abuse its power in a manner that it is not right considering the power of the law. The possibility of it happening is narrow to zero when relying on the Legislature that it cannot do it due to it adhering to the rule of law. According to Geoffrey Marshalls, he believes that the most universal and undeniable fact of the UK constitutional structure is that legislative never uses it decisive and independent influence of parliament in a totalitarian manner. This declaration seen as an elusive account though there is a plainly believe that the rule of law and constitutional followed procedures. These rises three ultimate queries. To start with how the agreement reached upon, secondly, it is how this convention can ultimately guard against authoritarian and decisive powers and finally how this guard can reinforced for effectiveness. In my viewpoint, I support the statement also; I disagree with it through my explanations in this paper1. The power that Parliamentary sovereignty has makes it possible to recognize legislative as a supreme authority in the United Kingdom, which allows it to make or end any by-law. In general, the courts of law cannot overturn the parliament and in the same case, the legislative body cannot enact a rule that will be hard for the future legislative to change them. It emphasizes the significant role of parliamentary sovereignty has in the United Kingdom. It makes it be recognized as an essential structure of the United Kingdom constitution. As noted the judiciary do play a vital role of make a decision on disputed matters while the parliament role is to implement legislative bills. The principle of Parliamentary sovereignty creates the supreme policy making body of the UK that is the legislature. The laws created by the legislature are non-justifiable which demonstrates the influence of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Haunted House Essay Example for Free

Haunted House Essay â€Å"Come on you big baby† my friend Ron said. It was Friday the 13th and we were at a real life haunted house. It wasn’t one of those haunted houses they put together for Halloween; it was a real life haunted house. Let me start at the beginning. It was Thursday the 12th and me and a couple of my friends decided we were going to go for a walk down the scariest street in the neighborhood, the town, and maybe even the world. Rumor had it that more than 50% of the houses had murders occur in them. We wanted to check out the Cortez house where a family of 15 had their parents go crazy and started hitting their children from the age of five to the age of 19. â€Å"I dare Shawn, Austin, and Kate to spend the night in the Cortez house† Ron said. Me, Shawn, and Kate all said â€Å"ok†. But then it went even further â€Å"you have to do it tomorrow on Friday the 13th. We all agreed that was a crazy idea considering no soul has ever gotten within ten feet of that house and lived to tell the story. Maybe a ghost took them away. Maybe the ugly tattered green and yellow worn shades blinded them, maybe the howling wolf whenever somebody walked by did the trick. We all said that we would meet back up here tomorrow after school got out to discuss the matter, after all it was only Thursday. When I got home my mom asked me â€Å"Austin it is midnight and you have school tomorrow where were you at† I smiled and lied â€Å"I was just hanging out at Ron’s house mom. † â€Å"Ok† she snapped, â€Å"just don’t be late again on a school night†. â€Å"Sorry, mom. Oh yeah, mom can I spend the night at Ron’s house tomorrow? I asked. â€Å"yes, I will take you over there when I get off work. † This morning I got up and went to school. Then we all met at the haunted house to discuss who was going to do it. Kate and I agreed to it and Ron said he would join, but Shawn didn’t want anything to do with it. â€Å"Come on you big baby! † Ron said. Then Shawn said â€Å"No, I would rather live past the age of 15! †, then he ran home and now he is probably playing Xbox 360. We all brought bats and racquets to protect ourselves. Okay we were going in. I was in front of the pack. I didn’t look scared but I was just trying to stand tall and be a good leader for my friends. When we got to the steps we could hear the many mice below it. By now Kate was already crying. â€Å"Keep calm Kate. † I said, â€Å"I won’t let anything happen to you. † She quieted down and we headed in. Right when I got through the door I felt the thickly woven spider webs on my face. I saw a huge group of black widows crawling towards us. I started swinging trying to protect my friends and most of all me. We killed most of the fist sized ones then we proceeded to the kitchen where we found snakes coiled around everything. I could smelled their reptilian skin and its sliminess. We slowly backed away and decided we would head upstairs and find where all of us would sleep. We found one room that was relatively clean and one that seemed to be in perfect condition, as if someone had recently lived here. Ron told us that he had to go to the bathroom and we said we would protect the door. Ten minutes later we hadn’t heard a peep from him so we went in. He was nowhere to be seen. â€Å"Guys. † We heard a voice beneath us yell â€Å"look under the rug, it’s amazing down here. We lifted up the rug and found a secret passage. It looked like it was supposed to be an old fashion garbage shoot. We slid down and to our surprise we were in a room filled with treasure. We all filled our pockets and made our way back to the room. We then realized someone else must’ve found the gold and was living here, if this was the case we had to get out before the treasure hunter came back and found us stealing. We went home and showed our parent what we found they took it to the bank and got millions. Mom you never go back to that terrible job anymore. We all moved into the â€Å"haunted house† and lived there for the rest of our lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cultures: The Case Of Genital Mutilation

Cultures: The Case Of Genital Mutilation This article explained the reasoning and differing views on female genital mutilation. The article describes in detail the three types of female genital mutilation, or FGM. The first is called clitoridectomy, in which part of the clitoris or the whole clitoris is removed. The bleeding caused by this procedure is usually stopped by either applying direct pressure or stitching the wound. The second type of genital cutting is call excision. In this procedure, both the clitoris and the labia minora are removed, and the bleeding after the procedure is stopped by stitching up the wound. The third and most extreme method of genital cutting is called infibulation. In this method, the entire clitoris and labia minora are removed, and incisions are made into the labia majora. The raw surfaces of the labia majora are then either stitched together or made to be held together until they heal together. The newly formed skin covers the urethra and the majority of the vaginal opening. Infibulation i s not used as frequently as the clitoridectomy or excision, but it is still used on rare occasion. No matter which form of genital cutting is used, there have been many extensive and sometimes chronic health problems associated with female genital mutilation. These include chronic and repeated infections, difficulties in urination and menstruation, pain during intercourse, infertility, and obstruction during childbirth, causing painful tearing and excess bleeding. Most of these are caused most by the infibulation method, as it obstructs the most. However, major complications can still arise from the other two methods as well. These complications are generally ignored in cultures where female genital mutilation is accepted as a cultural norm. This practice is seen as a cultural norm in such countries as Africa and the Middle East. The World Health Organization states that between 85 and 115 million women worldwide have undergone genital cutting. Most of these instances have occurred in regions of Africa or the Middle East, although there are now beginning to be small numbers of cases reported in countries such as Australia, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It seems that the conclusion being argued for in this article is that the mutilation of female genitalia is wrong, regardless of any persuasion cultural or otherwise. This article makes reference to several cases that argue for the ethical soundness of female genital mutilation, and it refutes each of these as invalid arguments. The first of these arguments states that it is morally wrong to criticize the practices of another country unless we are prepared to equally criticize similar practices in our own country, and states that the United States is guilty of doing this. While it may be true that the United States can tend to be oblivious to the plight of other countries in some respects, body image is not one of them. American women are all too aware of what it means to feel pressure to adapt to the right or ideal body image, because of the heavy influence the Western culture feels from the media to look a certain way. The tacit influence the media has on the Western culture is that if you do not look like the women on the television screen, you are a failure. It is untrue for this argument to state that the United States is not critical of themselves in the same way. Therefore, this argument is not valid. The second argument states that it is morally impermissible to criticize the practices of another culture until their own culture is completely free of all evil and immoral practices. This argument is, to put it plainly, ridiculous; how can it be morally permissible to ignore a cry for help just because the one who hears the call is not perfect? This would make helping anybody at any time completely immoral. For example, a doctor would not be able to help a patient if he engaged in a morally questionable activity at any time in the near past. This goes directly against the Hippocratic Oath that the doctor takes that explicitly states that he is to help people. This argument is also invalid. The third argument says that female genital mutilation is equal in morality to dieting and body shaping in the Western culture. However, there are several basic differences between the two practices. The first difference is that while dieting and body shaping is completely voluntary, genital mutilation is an involuntary procedure. The father makes the decision about whether or not to make is daughter participate in genital mutilation. The girl is then held down by several grown women while the procedure is performed so she doesnt jerk away. Dieting and body shaping are completely by choice, regardless of the pressure one may feel from the media or their peers. Another difference is that genital mutilation cannot be undone. Dieting, on the other hand, is very easily reversed. A third difference is that genital mutilation is mostly performed in unsafe and unsanitary conditions that children should not be exposed to, and dieting is not. A fourth difference is that female genital mutilat ion causes extreme health risks, not limited to death. Dieting only causes problems like this when taken to extremes, such as anorexia and bulimia. These are both reversible and treatable. A fifth difference is that female genital mutilation is usually performed on girls much too young to know the difference, or even give consent. (Even if she were old enough, consent would be irrelevant anyway.) Dieting, on the other hand, is something young adults and adults partake in. All of these differences illustrated are more than enough to prove that dieting and genital mutilation are not even close to being related in any sense. Therefore, this argument is also invalid. The fourth argument states that female genital mutilation involves the loss of a function that is not vitally essential to the lives of those losing it, and that the Western culture attaches far too much significance to it. To imply that genital cutting is depriving a woman of sexual pleasure is to say that she is merely a sexual being, and that is degrading to women. There is no difference between genital cutting and leading a life of celibacy. While the outcome of genital cutting and celibacy may be the same, we cannot say that the two are equal. Celibacy can be ended at any time, if the individual so chooses. That is the fundamental difference: choice. Female genital mutilation is not optional, voluntary, or reversible. Therefore, this argument is invalid because the premises do not match the outcome. ENTRY 2 Sex Consequences: World Population Growth vs. Reproductive Rights by Margaret P. Battin This article addresses the issue of world population growth while also explaining how the human race can have children within the carrying capacity of the land and the environment around them, thus proving more responsible. The conflict in the article is that human can reproduce at a rate that strips the land of vital, life sustaining resources by overpopulating it. This can be dangerous and life threatening to the human race as a whole. Land is a finite resource and can only sustain and support a certain number of people. Anything beyond that number could be fatal. According to the author, Battin, our current world population is 5.8 billion people. The growth rate of the population is that it doubles once roughly every 40 years. At this rate, the population is set to hit 12.5 billion by the end of the century. Another 40 years later, and the population will be at 25 billion, and then 50 billion, 100 billion, and so on. However, the land cannot sustain this many people, so the population will never actually hit this extreme. The population will shrink in size again due starvation or other natural causes before it ever gets that high. Now the problem is, how to keep that from happening? Thomas Malthus th eorized that the population needs to be controlled; while he did not advocate direct population control, he thought perhaps the morality and common sense of the population would serve as a sort of birth control. However, he knew that the reality was the population would still go through stages of overpopulation and starvation. Therefore he said that population control must be exerted from an outside source to keep the human population from dooming themselves to extinction. The feminist group, on the other hand, believes that the controlling of the population growth equates to controlling people. Also, they are convinced that contraceptive programs are tested exclusively by first world male doctors, and they test their programs on less privileged third world women. As one feminist movement states, population control is racist, sexist, and classist. It also states that the contraception programs try to force the values of a first world, well-off group of people onto the less privileged. There is a conclusion to help settle this dispute, which will be explored in detail. The solution that the author argues for is that everybody in the world, male and female, should use a form of super effective, easily reversible automatic birth control, or contraception. There are two major types already on the market for women. These are the intrauteral Copper T380A, and the subdermal Norplant. For men, nothing is readily on the market; however, there are several automatic contraceptive options for men being tested for use on humans. If everyone used a form of automatic background birth control, pregnancy would be a choice rather than a chance. The argument for this type of logic is that in the United States, roughly 50% of all pregnancies are not planned. Also, half of these unplanned pregnancies are aborted. This is generally due to the fact that the parents are simply not prepared for a pregnancy, including and especially pregnancies that occur because of failed birth control. These pregnancies would most likely be welcomed at a later time, when the parents were more prepared and ready for a pregnancy and to start a family. Granting the individual the ability to choose when they wanted a pregnancy to occur would put much more power in the hands of the individual to help control the population growth. Generally speaking, parents would not choose to have as many children or pregnancies as they would if they left it to chance. Also, women would not fall prey to agreeing to something in the heat of the moment, or being coerced into agreeing to bear a child. A pregnancy would not occur as a result of rape, or because of a m isuse or nonuse of a birth control method. This opens a whole new world to women; instead of making the option to be pregnant a negative choice to a positive choice. Instead of risking getting pregnant, a woman would be able to choose when to allow her body to become pregnant. There would also be a degree of reproductive freedom for men as well. They would not have to worry about accidentally causing a pregnancy, and then having to be responsible for the child that they helped create. They would be completely free. While they could still be tricked by a woman who had her device removed without his knowledge, there is much less risk than if the woman forgot accidentally or purposely to use her birth control or misused it. However, the woman still holds the majority of control over the result of the contraception in the intercourse. The logic used here is that if everyone used background contraception, then everyone would be free to make the decision on whether or not to become pregnant or not. Everyone has the right to choose whether or not they want to be pregnant. Background contraception grants that choice. Therefore, all humans should be made to install automatic contraception. While this is a valid argument, I am not sure I agree with it. While this would indeed solve the reproduction growth crisis, it would also take away human free will. Many people may not be receptive to this type of control, not to mention that these types of automatic contraception are not particularly inexpensive. It would not make sense to initiate a population growth control based on these two factors alone. As Battin points out, the initiation of this type of control has an almost fascist sound. Forcing everyone into the same type of contraception would pose as a major threat to free will, and would cause some dire consequences to occur for those enforcing it. ENTRY 3 Womens Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights by Charlotte Bunch For centuries, there has been a distinction between human rights and womens rights. This distinction is disconcerting; because of it, numerous heinous crimes have been committed against women, including mutilation, starvation, and murder. Technically, because there is a distinction, womens rights are not classified as human rights. Since women are humans, why are womens rights not viewed as human rights? Does this make women less human than men? Surely this cannot be so. While it is obvious that women are no less human than men, they are sometimes treated as such a lower life form. Even in situations that men and women are both treated unfairly, it is the male that is seen as mistreated, and the female almost fades into background noise. In a male-predominate culture, women are seen as not as important, and are often treated as lesser to the male, even in their suffering. While the concept of human rights is one that is widely internationally known and accepted, womens rights are not as commonly accepted as humane or even right. However, it has been theorized that the universality of human rights can be used as a tie to help bridge the gap between human rights and womens rights. In 1948, the Declaration of Human Rights was set forth. This outlines the guidelines of the basic rights we as human beings have. In that Declaration, Eleanor Roosevelt fought to add Article 2, which says that all people have the right to everything enclosed in the Declaration, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. The addition of not discriminating against gender was meant to begin to fix the issue of womens subordination. There are four approaches that the author, Bunch, speaks about, which she believes to be an effective way to bridge the gap, so to speak, between human rights and womens rights. While these approaches can apply to several areas of life, she writes that they are particularly helpful in drawing a connection between human rights and womens rights. They also demonstrate how violence toward women is a violation of basic human rights. The first approach that Bunch speaks about is to take into account the specific needs of women as civil and political rights, while also calling to attention the particularly heinous tortures women suffer through simply because of the fact that they are female. One instance where this has been done is when the Womens Task Force of Amnesty International took a stand to launch a campaign for women who are held as political prisoners and are sexually abused, which causes them to not be able to care for their children and thus causing a violation of human rights on the children. This directly links a violation of womens rights to a violation of human rights. This is a valid and sound argument; it shows a clear, direct correlation between the two premises that a violation of womens rights causes a violation of human rights and therefore, it is wrong. The second approach is to regard womens rights as socioeconomic rights. This is in regards to food, employment, shelter, and health care. This is the view taken by those who would view human rights as too individualized, and take womens rights as a purely economic issue. In other words, human rights do not have meaning without an economic definition. This helps to galvanize women into protecting themselves from workplace violence, and from being taken advantage of by employers. Women cannot be targeted as cheap, easily exploited employment, because this would violate their human rights. This is also a valid argument. The third approach is to view womens rights through a legal scope. There have been new legal guidelines set in place to guard against gender discrimination, and this has added a new dimension to the womens rights debate. The specific laws that state the legal issues behind gender discrimination and violence against women are one major example of this third approach. These laws have made it possible for women to be able to fight for their rights to be treated fairly, as human beings, rather than a lower life form to males. The most important international form of this law is called the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which has been stated to be essentially an international bill of rights for women and a framework for womens participation in the development processà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[which] spells out internationally accepted principles and standards for achieving equality between women and men. This Convention has been accepted by 104 countries, as of January 1990. This means that all countries that have agreed to and accepted the Convention must adhere to and abide by the laws stated within it, and a report must be submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, proving their compliance to the Convention. However, the Convention never actually directly addresses the issue of violence against women. This is its one shortcoming; it does, however, clearly state a human rights outline for women within it. If all governments accepted this Convention, this would be a great way to start heading in the right direction toward men and women being treated equally. This is a valid and sound argument The fourth and final approach that Bunch explains is to view human rights through feminist lenses, so to speak. What this means is that we are to view human rights in such a way that more thoroughly examines how human rights affect this lives of women in depth, and then asking how human rights can be more responsive and sensitive to women. While the other three approaches merely had a feminist taint, this approach is the most blatantly feminist; it clearly takes a stance that purely centered around women, and waits for no one to tell them if their approach is an accurate human rights issue or not. The danger in approaching the issue with this narrow scope is that it rules out too much reason. While it may be a valid argument, in my opinion, it has not been thought through thoroughly enough and is simply ignoring some of the basic rules of logic.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pulp Fiction Essay -- essays papers

Pulp Fiction The puzzle pieces are carefully fitted together as director Quentin Tarantino intermingles three different story lines in his hit movie Pulp Fiction. The movie begins in a quiet little diner as two petty robbers discuss their next mission. The mission in question involves two lovebirds (Amanda Plummer and Tim Roth) holding up unsuspecting restaurants, instead of their usual liquor stores. As their plan falls into action, time alters and we find ourselves riding down the street with Vincent and Jules John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson), two hit men on their way to work. As the men travel to work they discuss such worldly things as gourmet food, like the "Royale with cheese", and the sexual innuendoes involved when one gives a foot massage. These two intellects do the dirty work for the infamous Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames). Due to Wallace's lifestyle, the movie branches off into three separate stories. The first tale begins when Wallace has some overnight business he must attend to. While gone, he leaves Vincent in charge of entertaining his beautiful wife Mia (Uma Thurman). After a surprisingly pleasant evening of dinner and dancing, Vincent must revive Mia after her abusive episode with heroin. The second adventure involves Wallace and a washed-up boxer, Butch, portrayed by Bruce Willis. Wallace gives Butch a substantial amount of money to throw a fight. After receiving the cash Butch decides to double-cross a double-crosser. The final episode revolves around Vincent's accidental murder of a young black in the back seat of Jules' car. This hilarious scene develops when Jules is forced to ask the "Wolf" (Harvey Keitel) to act as a clean-up man. As the 2 ½-hour movie unfolds, one must keep very alert and place the pieces together just right to complete the final picture. Before Tarantino begins his clip, he attempts to focus the audience by quoting two dictionary definitions of pulp. "The first one is literal: the second is the figurative usage, derived from magazines of the past that were published on cheap pulp paper and specialized in lurid fiction of several genres" (Kauffmann 26). With the making of his Cannes Film Festival winner, Tarantino changes all the rules restricting genre. "Tarantino has lifted up the dark rock of crime cliche and found a brilliantly colorful world thriving undern... ...r night out on the town with Vincent. Vincent also feels a sense of responsibility for Mia because of his relationship with Wallace. Even Wallace's enemy, Butch, goes out of his way to save Wallace from being "man-handled". Since Wallace's faith is only in those he has control over, loyalty appears to have a price. Because Tarantino's film Pulp Fiction branches off into several separate stories, one must concentrate hard to get the full affect of his work. With great talent he blends three main scenarios and several sub-plots into one full-length movie. Once completed he tosses in chaos, and ready to serve is an award winning film. Bibliography: Ansen, David. â€Å"The Redemption of Pulp.† Newsweek 124. (October 10, 1994): 71. Ansen, David and Charles Fleming. â€Å"A Tough Guy Takes Cannes.† Newsweek 123. (June 6, 1994): 79. Corliss, Richard. â€Å"A Blast to the Heart.† Time 143. (June 6, 1994): 73. Johnson, Brian D. â€Å"Making Crime Play.† Maclean’s 107. (October 24, 1994): 57-8. Kauffmann, Stanley. â€Å"Shooting Up.† The New Republic 211. (November 14, 1994): 26-7. Travers, Peter. â€Å"Movies Tarantino’s Twist.† Rolling Stone. (October 6, 1994): 79-81.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical Analysis Top Dog Under Dog

While booth is n awkward person, he tends to try to take the easy way out by doing illegal stunts such as robbery which causes a turning point in the play. In this analysis I Am mainly arguing whether this story was a reenactment of the death of Abraham Lincoln; when he was killed by John Wilkes Booth in an assassination. My main argument is whether it was a racial thing to reenact the assassination but using African Americans in poverty to contribute the roles of one of the biggest assassinations in U.S Offence 2 history. Both brothers going through rough times and Lincoln getting fired and being out of a job. They both have nothing to rely on but Booth thinks getting his brother Lincoln back into the game will change their financial stance significantly. The use of â€Å"Lincoln† and â€Å"Booth† provides a means of rewriting history in terms of an ironic textually and a parodied reversal. This becomes a case of laughter in which Parks' ironic use of the names works t o undermine the social history of the US and slavery.This irony is the fact that Lincoln arcade job is an Abraham Lincoln impersonator, assassinated daily by paying customers. This figure of the black man playing as a white man. As the figures of the white assassin can be made black, these become roles which any individual can take up in his or her own celebration. Yet, what this shows is that such imagery is not merely a formal of history, but rather that it encodes a deeper logic. That is, beneath the play of names and the reversal of black and white, Top dog/Underdog plays on the logic of chance and inevitability.On the one hand, the characters' narrative fate is preordained by their names; on the other hand, they have a choice, a chance to rewrite the historical narrative f Booth killing Lincoln. That the black Booth kills the black Lincoln in the end is explained through the logic that blacks Offence 3 have no one to blame but themselves for black on black violence; it is a mat ter of â€Å"individual† responsibility. Context: Topped/Underdog is in time era of about roughly 1 ass's. These late summer nights puts two grown brothers in a tiny boardinghouse room to work through their past, present, and possible futures.The room is rented by the younger of the two, Booth, a petty thief and wannabe threaded Monte street cutlers; the rent is paid by the elder brother, Lincoln, an arcade performer and former card hustler who has sworn off the cards. Characters: Booth (cards) is a black male who is little brother to Lincoln. He is a daily thief who steals everything he desires. Booth is a guy who thinks he is a know it all but in reality is just a crazy bipolar idiot who thinks he has a plan for everything. Booth tries to learn the hustle game 3 card Monte by pressuring his brother Lincoln into teaching his the cheats and skills of the game.Drop out in school and tells everyone lies o get what he wants such as making Links wife have an affair. He is the mur derer because he kills his brother Lincoln in an Offence 4 altercation where Booth felt as if his brother Link robbed him of his entire inheritance Lincoln (Link) is a Black male in his ass's. He is big brother to Booth. Lincoln is a relaxed chilled character who keeps small. He went to school and worked at an arcade imposing as honest Abe to make a living at a low pay salary. He used to hustle people for their money in a game called card Monte. Ft the gang and hustler life to save his life and get on the eight track because he seen his partner get murdered. Link is very unconfined in his motives and feels that whatever he wants to do is not the right way such as when he is goanna lose his job; he overreacts and is not confident that he will not get his job back. Link is smart; he learns from his mistakes when his friend was murdered. Grace is a Smart intelligent woman who is studying cosmetology. She dates Booth and is supposedly in love with Booth since she was a little girl so sa ys Booth. She is beautiful; she knows how to have a lot of fun and knows what she wants in life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay Role of Odp Essay Example

Essay Role of Odp Essay Example Essay Role of Odp Paper Essay Role of Odp Paper The role of a qualified operating department practitioner is to provide high standards of peri-operative care to patients whilst also giving skilled support to surgeons, anaesthetists and/or theatre nurses. ODP’s need a broad knowledge and skill base that includes excellent communication skills, management skills and teamwork skills, as they are involved with the assessment, delivery and evaluation of peri-operative care. There are three phases to peri-operative care; the anaesthetic phase, the surgical phase and the recovery phase. Within each phase there is a different role for the ODP to undertake. In the anaesthetic phase ODP’s assist in the care of the patient prior to surgery ensuring the safety and comfort of the patient at all times. They also prepare the anaesthetic equipment and room and assist the anaesthetist throughout. In the surgical phase ODP’s work as part of the operative team in a few roles that include the â€Å"scrubbed† role, infection control, wound management and the application of the aseptic technique. In the process of the surgical phase ODP’s work in the â€Å"scrubbed† role preparing all the equipment and necessary instruments needed for the procedure, working with the surgeon to assist in the procedure providing all the correct instruments and materials. They must also ensure health and safety throughout the surgical procedure and to ensure that all instruments, equipment and swabsare are accountable. ODP’s prepare the theatre and the equipment whilst also acting as a link between the surgical team and other parts of the hospital. In the recovery phase ODP’s are involved in all aspects of patient care in the recovery unit, including monitoring, supporting them and providing treatment until the patient has recovered. ODP’s then assess the patient to evaluate whether they can return to the ward. They then must evaluate the care given during all the three stages of peri-operative care. (NHS careers, 2012). ODP’s tend to have a flexible, adaptable approach to the role and have a caring nature with good communication and teamwork skills as they tend to work with a variety of people like porters, ward nurses, healthcare support workers, theatre nurses, anaesthetists, surgeons, other ODP’s and patients from all walks of life. The role can have its challenges as you are dealing with patients who can become very stressed and/or emotional when coming to theatre and everyone is different so react differently, ODP’s need to be able to deal with all situations quickly and effectively in a caring and professional manner. In the role ODP’s can face other problems that are caused by language barriers and/or communication problems that they will need to overcome, plus more importantly, emergency situations can happen any time and ODP’s need to react quickly and professionally to ensure the safety of the patient and other’s around. The role can be emotionally and physically challenging but it does have its advantages; the role is very diverse throughout with support in all areas. It can involve a good progression up to team manager or theatre manager level with good rates of pay and professional development. As generally with any hospital role this involves shift patterns that can include early (8am-5/6pm), late (12 noon-9pm) and night shifts (9pm-8am), which are around 37. 5 hours a week. (Day in the life, 2012).

Monday, October 21, 2019

critical com Essay

critical com Essay critical com Essay CRITICAL COMMUNICATION EVENTS Organizational Communication – BADM 6123 Master in Business Administration Group 127 Southern Nazarene University Kep Keoppel PhD Kouassi Atse Sekedes Christian B.K 11/12/2013 It is hard to focus now on my life since I learned that one should think more about what one can give to others than on how much one can take from them. Similarly, it is even harder to measure one’s human quality using quantitative rationalistic criteria. However, I have intervened for six months in a structure called Orange Telecom France that provides Network Services and where I was in charge of accommodating customers and offering logistic maintenance. Most of my actual skills have been acquired during this intensive work, when I was in charge to identify, evaluate, introduce new carriers and providers which offer services that could be benefit for Orange Telecom and coordinate with internal teams to prepare and submit service orders. After a several amount of time I have been promoted team leader of my group. The issue happened one day when I was doing my work during a meeting. Unfortunately I was left in charge of fixing a computer issue while the responsible for the IT department was not around. I was forced to use my skills of training to fix it or it will mess up the whole meeting. I have been helped with the IT assistants but they did not come up with something new so I came up with a solution and everything start going well over. This was a successful, memorable incident for me to accomplish something so difficult. I was so proud of myself because when the manager came back he was extremely impressed for what I did. The lesson is that when you think something is too much for you to handle, you can always overcome your fears and accomplish your goals. Before I got employed in that company, I have attended so many times to the meetings when the company was showcased the new products and services that

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Handle Disapproval of Interracial Relationships

How to Handle Disapproval of Interracial Relationships If youre in an interracial relationship, you may be crazy about your partner but dismayed that others disapprove. So, what’s the best way to handle the objections? Communication and boundary-setting are key. Above all else, take the steps necessary to protect your relationship in the face of ongoing negativity. Don’t Assume the Worst For your own mental health, assume that most people have good intentions. If you notice eyes on you and your significant other as you walk down the street, don’t automatically think  it’s because the passersby disapprove of your interracial union. Perhaps people are staring because they consider you a particularly attractive couple. Perhaps people are staring because they applaud you for being in a mixed relationship or because they belong to a mixed couple themselves. It’s quite common for members of interracial couples to notice similar couples. Dont Give the Haters Any of Your Time Of course, there are times when strangers on the street are openly hostile. Their eyes really do fill with hate at the sight of interracial couples. So, what should you do when you’re on the receiving end of their glares? Nothing. Just look away and keep going about your business, even if the stranger actually shouts out an insult. Getting into a confrontation is unlikely to do much good. Moreover, your choice of mate is absolutely no one’s concern but yours. The best thing you can do is not give the haters any of your time. Don’t Spring Your Relationship on Loved Ones No one knows your family and friends as you do. If they’re open-minded liberal types or have had an interracial relationship or two themselves, they’re unlikely to make a fuss upon meeting your new partner. If, in contrast, they’re socially conservative and have no friends of a different race, let alone dated anyone of mixed race, you might want to sit them down and let them know that you’re now a part of a mixed couple. You might frown upon this idea if you think of yourself as color-blind, but giving your loved ones advance notice that you’re in an interracial relationship will spare you and your partner from an awkward first encounter with your friends and family. Without advance notice, your mother might grow visibly flustered, or your best friends might ask if they can speak to you in the next room to grill you about your relationship. Are you prepared to have these kinds of awkward encounters? And how will you react if your partners feelings are hurt because of your loved ones’ behavior? To avoid drama and pain, tell your loved ones about your interracial relationship in advance. It’s the kindest move to make for all involved, including yourself. Dialogue With Disapproving Family and Friends Say you tell your friends and family that you’re now  part of an interracial couple. They react by telling you that your children will have it hard in life or that the Bible forbids interracial coupling. Rather than angrily labeling them ignorant racists and dismissing them, try to address your family’s concerns. Point out that mixed-race kids who are raised in loving homes and allowed to embrace all sides of their heritage don’t fare any worse than other children. Let them know that interracial couples such as  Moses and his Ethiopian wife  even appear in the Bible. Read up on interracial relationships and the common misconceptions that surround them to put to rest the concerns your loved ones have about your new union. If you shut off communication with your loved ones, it’s unlikely that their misconceptions will be corrected or that they will become more accepting of your relationship. Protect Your Partner Does your partner really need to hear every hurtful remark your  racist relatives  have made? Not in the slightest. Shield your partner from hurtful comments. This isn’t only to spare the feelings of your significant other. If your friends and family ever do come around, your partner can forgive them and move forward free of resentment.   Of course, if your family disapproves of your relationship, you’ll have to let your partner know, but you can do so without going into excruciating detail about race. Yes, your partner may have already experienced racism and the pain of being stereotyped, but that doesn’t mean he or she no longer find bigotry unsettling. No one should grow accustomed to  racial prejudice. Set Boundaries Are your friends and family trying to force you to end your interracial relationship? Perhaps they keep trying to set you up with people who share your racial background. Perhaps they pretend as if your significant other doesn’t exist or go out of their way to make your mate uncomfortable. If you’re experiencing any of these scenarios, it’s time to set some boundaries with your meddling loved ones.   Let them know that you’re an adult capable of choosing an appropriate mate. If they don’t find your mate appropriate, that’s their problem. They have no right to undermine the decisions you’ve made. Furthermore, it’s hurtful for them to disrespect someone you care about, especially if they’re only doing so because of race. Set Ground Rules Which ground rules you set with your loved ones are up to you. The important thing is to follow through on them. If you tell your mother that you won’t attend family functions unless she also invites your significant other, stick to your word. If your mother sees that you’re not going to let up, she’ll decide to either include your mate in family functions or risk losing you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Development of the Comfort Zone and Development Phase Theories Essay

The Development of the Comfort Zone and Development Phase Theories - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the comfort zone theory focuses on the situations in which people experience the greatest comfort either mentally or physically. It is usually the brain that interprets the objects or situations that make a person comfortable. This paper illustrates that comfort zones are different for different people and they influence the behavior of individuals. A person’s comfort zone could be engaging in group work while another may be comfortable working alone to accomplish personal goals. The nature of a comfort zone determines the manner in which people react to various issues. The comfort zone maintains the character of a person and may become a hindrance to personal development if there are no opportunities for inventiveness. In other words, the comfort zone might be a barrier to thinking outside of what is already known by an individual. The present research has identified that mental expansion may not be accomplished in such a comfo rt zone. Substantial changes might result from tragedies forcing a person outside the comfort zone. Development phase theory, on the other hand, is based on the hypotheses that development is an irregular process that occurs through a series of phases in which individuals have distinct behaviors. In group development, Tuckman in Wheelan & Conway identifies four phases of development, which include; â€Å"forming, storming, norming and performing†.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Finance assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finance 2 - Assignment Example This can be attributed to the fact that the level of inflation continues to surge making the expense very high. At the same time, it can be seen that other charges line the bank and interest charges can be high when accumulated. Most households who fail to include them in the budget risk failing experiencing budget crisis. Moreover, it is clear that expenditures on entertainment and on social things are also very high if accumulated. From the budget, the expenses made on tours, entertainment is summed is almost equivalent to the amount incurred on the essential goods (Chiuri, 2000). Preparing a budget is completely different from following the budget estimates. Most households who prepare budgets fail to completely adhere to their set budgets. This is because most households engage in impulse expenditures (Weston, n.d.). Moreover, the unpredictable changes in prices of the foods and other conditions have made it difficult to follow the budgets. Moreover, following this budget require finance discipline, which is normally a major problem to the households. Most households are unable to forecast on the expected changes in economic environment or may fail to spread their budgets throughout the budget period. In most cases, households tent to spend heavily immediately after receiving cash than towards the last quarter of the budget period. Career change or further education might have a big impact on the budget. First, a change in career could enable an individual acquire additional knowledge on budget preparation or it could result in a change in the social class. For instance, a household who shift to study economics may learn on the need to increase savings or invest hence change the budget expenditure. At the same time, advancement in the level of education may result in a change in the social class (Pate & McKee, 2010). Such a change is accompanied by a change in the consumption pattern or a change in the

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Operation management - Essay Example By the end of 2013, Apple has successfully launched seventh generation iPhones, namely iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S (â€Å"Q1 2014 Unaudited Summary Data†). iPhones have been extremely popular since its inception mainly owing to the unparalleled design and exclusive features as well as numerous software and applications to use. Since its launch, Apple has been able to create a niche set of loyal customers, which is continuously increasing in numbers. The net sales of Apple iPhones increased 9 percent from 156.5 dollars in 2012 to 170.9 billion dollars in 2013 (â€Å"Q1 2013 Unaudited Summary Data†). Overall units of iPhone sold were almost 150 millions in 2013 compared to 125 million in 2012 (â€Å"Q1 2013 Unaudited Summary Data†). Marketers and analysts have argued that increase in the sale of iPhone 5 is majorly due to its advanced software and greater facilities in terms of applications as well as attractive design. A survey including 4000 consumers from the US revealed that anticipation and rumours related to iPhone 6 has surpassed all other previously launched iPhones. Also, the number of consumers waiting to pre-order iPhone 6 is higher compared to that of iPhone 5 (â€Å"iPhone 5 Release Could Push Apple to 170 Million Units Sold Annually†). The release date of iPhone 6 is expected around September 2014, which is similar to other iPhone launches. Also, the new iPhone 6 will be available in two different sizes, along with a whole new design and advanced operating system. On the whole, Apple management is anticipating a huge revenue turnover following the launch of iPhone 6. In order to understand the sales forecast and trend for iPhone 6, the average global sales of iPhone after one month of its launch can be calculated. It is observed that a majority of the iPhone launches take place in August or September of a financial year. Furthermore, during these months, the festive season

Classic Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Classic Airlines - Essay Example The airline industry is an oligopoly. Oligopolies are characterized by having a limited numbers of participants in a market structure that has a medium level of price elasticity. Since there are few competitors companies tend to react to changes in prices of other airlines. The airline industry has been in a cost savings mode for several years. Since 2002 the number of people working in the airline industry has been reduced by over 150,000 workers (Plunkett Research, 2011). The revenues generated by the industry in the United States are significant. According to the USTA the airline industry in the United States generated $704.4 billion (Plunkett Research, 2011). It would be in the best interest of Classic Airlines to increase its market share in the lucrative US travel marketplace. In the past Classic Airlines made the mistake of pursuing an aggressive price discount strategy. The results of the lowering the price strategic approach were not favorable. Drastic price reductions in an oligopoly place the entire industry at risk of a price war. In a price war all the participants lose due to the fact that the profit of the entire industry goes down. Internal and External Pressures Classic Airlines is currently facing a lot of pressures from different stakeholder groups. The company has stayed profitable, but its margins are extremely thin. Last year the company generated $10 million in revenues which seems like a nice figure, but considering the firm generated $8.7 billion in sales its net margin was very low. The net margin of the company was 0.11%. The industry standard net margin in the airline industry is 2% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2011). The shareholders of the company are putting pressure on the management staff to improve the results of the corporation. Due to the weak financial performance of the company the price of the common stock of Classic Airlines has been going down. One of the objectives of any public corporation is to maximize shareholder’s wea lth. The company also faces pressures from its customer base. The customers are not very happy with the company. A metric that illustrates the current situation the company is facing is the fact that the firm’s customer loyalty program has lost 20% participation during the last year and the frequency of purchases of the customer has also gone down by over 20%. One of the primary reasons the company’s financial performance has been weak is due to the fact that the company has lost a lot of returning customers. The customer retention rate of a company is a very important marketing metric. The company lacks the service elements, operations procedures, and marketing programs to satisfy the customer’s needs. In the business world the customer is the most important stakeholder group because companies depend on the customers for its revenues. A third stakeholder group that is facing pressures due to the current situation at Classic Airlines is the employees of the comp any. The firm is currently having major employee morale problems as morale is as low as it has ever been. When employees have low morale they lose their motivation and as a consequence their performance and efficiency suffers. It is important for the managers of companies facing morale problems to demonstrate strong leadership. The low morale of the employees is negatively impacting the customer service function of the enterprise. One of the critical positions in regards to customer service is the flight attendants. Their job is to make the customer feel comfortable during the entire flight. Objectives and Obstacles of Marketing Department The objective of the marketing department

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Research paper - Essay Example Most importantly, India will be able to attain the prestigious position of China, its Asian competitor. The project cost the country about 73 million US dollars. Evidently, considering the country’s economic standing, the space mission seems ridiculous and lacks justification. This paper will provide evidence that the space mission was a misplaced priority. If this mission proves successful, it may have a huge benefit to India. This is because it will receive recognition for utilizing improvisation to launch one of the cheapest missions to Mars. However, if it does not succeed, the country will have wasted invaluable resources of money and time that can be invested in raising the living standards of some families in India. Instead of paying all of this money to do a task like this, the money can be used to improve the economy and social problems in India. If India had a stable and a good standing economy, then it would be fine if they thought of launching this mission. Apparen tly, as this paper will discuss, India has many social issues to address. The country spent fifteen months of preparation for a mission that cost it 73 million US dollars. Statistics reveal that India exhibits a poor economy, a factor that highlights the need for it to design policies and strategies that can help its economy register a level of growth. It is unfortunate that the country’s economy has been dwindling over the years (Bhowmick, 2013). The country’s systems exhibit low quality with worrying poor standards of life. This places emphasis on the urgency for transforming its policy formulation strategies and striving to address its emerging needs. Instead of focusing on such issues that need critical addressing, the country has diverted its efforts, time, and resources to launching a space probe. The decision to focus on the space mission seems irrational, and the government cannot offer any valid justification for such an expenditure on a luxurious adventure in launching a space probe. Evidently, countries that focus on the space missions have registered immense progress in improving societal standards. Examples include the United States, which is the leading global economy and has held a superior position for many years. Evidently, the country has multiple policies in place to improve its social welfare and fund its internal research projects. Considering an additional example of Russia, it becomes evident that it has a stable economy, and can comfortably invest in space missions. Additionally, China joined the nations that have the capacity to fund space missions (Mirani, 2013). India’s economy does not compare with that of these nations, and explains why sacrificing 73 million US dollars is ridiculous. India does not compare with these nations, and its investment in space projects should be its last priority. In self-defense, India claims that 73 million is minimal compared to the 671 million US dollars that other countries woul d spend on such a venture. However, it does not matter the amount the country spent on the mission, the fact remains that the country could have redirected such funds to improving one of its poor social systems (Messreget, 2013). Evidently, that amount was sufficient to provide food for the malnourished children that add up to 50% of all children. It is ironical that a country can spend 73 million US dollars, while half the population of its children is perishing with hunger. Although it is true that

Media represent females at a particular sporting event-wimbledon event Literature review

Media represent females at a particular sporting event-wimbledon event upcoming one for this year - Literature review Example Research Hypothesis The above mentioned research questions, in a broader sense will be explored and analyzed to test and validate the below mentioned research hypothesis: The media representation of females in the sporting events is biased and prejudiced. Justification for Using the Qualitative Approach to Test the Research Hypothesis The given research will exploit the qualitative methods and approaches to test the proposed research hypothesis. A qualitative approach is highly suitable for testing the proposed hypothesis owing to a variety of reasons. Not to say, that a qualitative approach towards research has its specific advantages and flaws. Qualitative research has primarily to do with the qualitative phenomena that are the phenomena that have to do with quality or kind (Newman & Benz 1998). For example, in the research under consideration, the qualitative research undertaken will have to do with the quality or kind of the media representation of women in sporting events. Quali tative research is a valid form of scientific research. Qualitative research tends to sort out answers to questions. It adheres to s systematic and predefined procedure used for testing a research hypothesis. ... the undertaken research is not only to test the proposed hypothesis but also to cull out insights that are of relevance to the future research in related disciplines. In the context of the research topic under consideration, a qualitative approach will be highly suitable in exploring the values, behaviour and attitude of media towards the representation of women in sporting events. This qualitative research will provide the research scholar with the complex textual information regarding how people experience the representation of women in sporting events and what do they think about it. Besides, it will solicit information regarding the human side of the issue under consideration (Phillimore & Goodson 2004). It will help the research scholar better understand and interpret the complicated reality pertaining to the media representation of women in sporting events and its implications for further research in varied disciplines. The nature of the research hypothesis to be tested is such that it defies all attempts to quantify or accurately measure the type and nature of media representation of women in sporting events, and hence a quantitative approach will not be suitable and appropriate (Lankshear & Knobel 2004). A qualitative approach towards the proposed research offers varied advantages over a quantitative approach. The first and foremost advantage of qualitative research is that it accords a great degree of flexibility to the research scholar (Bowling 2002). The quantitative methods are usually inflexible and are mostly not appropriate for testing the type and kind of research hypothesis under consideration. When it comes to quantitative research, the common methods it uses to collect data such as questionnaires and surveys do tend to pose the same questions to all

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Classic Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Classic Airlines - Essay Example The airline industry is an oligopoly. Oligopolies are characterized by having a limited numbers of participants in a market structure that has a medium level of price elasticity. Since there are few competitors companies tend to react to changes in prices of other airlines. The airline industry has been in a cost savings mode for several years. Since 2002 the number of people working in the airline industry has been reduced by over 150,000 workers (Plunkett Research, 2011). The revenues generated by the industry in the United States are significant. According to the USTA the airline industry in the United States generated $704.4 billion (Plunkett Research, 2011). It would be in the best interest of Classic Airlines to increase its market share in the lucrative US travel marketplace. In the past Classic Airlines made the mistake of pursuing an aggressive price discount strategy. The results of the lowering the price strategic approach were not favorable. Drastic price reductions in an oligopoly place the entire industry at risk of a price war. In a price war all the participants lose due to the fact that the profit of the entire industry goes down. Internal and External Pressures Classic Airlines is currently facing a lot of pressures from different stakeholder groups. The company has stayed profitable, but its margins are extremely thin. Last year the company generated $10 million in revenues which seems like a nice figure, but considering the firm generated $8.7 billion in sales its net margin was very low. The net margin of the company was 0.11%. The industry standard net margin in the airline industry is 2% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2011). The shareholders of the company are putting pressure on the management staff to improve the results of the corporation. Due to the weak financial performance of the company the price of the common stock of Classic Airlines has been going down. One of the objectives of any public corporation is to maximize shareholder’s wea lth. The company also faces pressures from its customer base. The customers are not very happy with the company. A metric that illustrates the current situation the company is facing is the fact that the firm’s customer loyalty program has lost 20% participation during the last year and the frequency of purchases of the customer has also gone down by over 20%. One of the primary reasons the company’s financial performance has been weak is due to the fact that the company has lost a lot of returning customers. The customer retention rate of a company is a very important marketing metric. The company lacks the service elements, operations procedures, and marketing programs to satisfy the customer’s needs. In the business world the customer is the most important stakeholder group because companies depend on the customers for its revenues. A third stakeholder group that is facing pressures due to the current situation at Classic Airlines is the employees of the comp any. The firm is currently having major employee morale problems as morale is as low as it has ever been. When employees have low morale they lose their motivation and as a consequence their performance and efficiency suffers. It is important for the managers of companies facing morale problems to demonstrate strong leadership. The low morale of the employees is negatively impacting the customer service function of the enterprise. One of the critical positions in regards to customer service is the flight attendants. Their job is to make the customer feel comfortable during the entire flight. Objectives and Obstacles of Marketing Department The objective of the marketing department

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Media represent females at a particular sporting event-wimbledon event Literature review

Media represent females at a particular sporting event-wimbledon event upcoming one for this year - Literature review Example Research Hypothesis The above mentioned research questions, in a broader sense will be explored and analyzed to test and validate the below mentioned research hypothesis: The media representation of females in the sporting events is biased and prejudiced. Justification for Using the Qualitative Approach to Test the Research Hypothesis The given research will exploit the qualitative methods and approaches to test the proposed research hypothesis. A qualitative approach is highly suitable for testing the proposed hypothesis owing to a variety of reasons. Not to say, that a qualitative approach towards research has its specific advantages and flaws. Qualitative research has primarily to do with the qualitative phenomena that are the phenomena that have to do with quality or kind (Newman & Benz 1998). For example, in the research under consideration, the qualitative research undertaken will have to do with the quality or kind of the media representation of women in sporting events. Quali tative research is a valid form of scientific research. Qualitative research tends to sort out answers to questions. It adheres to s systematic and predefined procedure used for testing a research hypothesis. ... the undertaken research is not only to test the proposed hypothesis but also to cull out insights that are of relevance to the future research in related disciplines. In the context of the research topic under consideration, a qualitative approach will be highly suitable in exploring the values, behaviour and attitude of media towards the representation of women in sporting events. This qualitative research will provide the research scholar with the complex textual information regarding how people experience the representation of women in sporting events and what do they think about it. Besides, it will solicit information regarding the human side of the issue under consideration (Phillimore & Goodson 2004). It will help the research scholar better understand and interpret the complicated reality pertaining to the media representation of women in sporting events and its implications for further research in varied disciplines. The nature of the research hypothesis to be tested is such that it defies all attempts to quantify or accurately measure the type and nature of media representation of women in sporting events, and hence a quantitative approach will not be suitable and appropriate (Lankshear & Knobel 2004). A qualitative approach towards the proposed research offers varied advantages over a quantitative approach. The first and foremost advantage of qualitative research is that it accords a great degree of flexibility to the research scholar (Bowling 2002). The quantitative methods are usually inflexible and are mostly not appropriate for testing the type and kind of research hypothesis under consideration. When it comes to quantitative research, the common methods it uses to collect data such as questionnaires and surveys do tend to pose the same questions to all

Communication issues Essay Example for Free

Communication issues Essay There are a number of brands that offered good products but they failed miserably because they were not able to sell enough of their products or services. Too often we see that so many promising airlines close because they wer not able to sell enough tickets and control costs and so on. The thing is that marketing and indeed branding is dependent on the way customers perceive a particular product. It is therefore critical for companies to ensure firstly that the right message is sent to the customers and secondly at the end of it all the message does reach without too much noise and disturbances. There are hundreds of thousands of brands that are being advertised on television and print media and therefore it is so important that companies are precise with their message such that the message is across to the customers and they retain it from an option of virtually an infinite list of brands. This is precisely why we have stressed the need to brand products in such a way that only one main distinguishing factor is higlighted in the promotional campaign. This is extremely crucial because it allows customers to easily understand and retain the message of the company’s brand. Another thing that is related to this concept is the use of appropriate media while sending the message to the customers. Certain time slots in the television medium are expensive compared to others because of the viewership and other factors; these are the things that campaign managers must identify and address. Target audience must be the ones who should watch the adverts atleast otherwise the whole cost could go to waste. What we have discussed in the communication issues heading is that firms need to address certain brand specific issues to avoid mal-function of the whole advertising campaign. Without enough ammunition that is directed at the right target market firms will end up with a disadvantaged cost benefit analysis. Advertisement campaigns must fulfill their key goal that is getting the desired message to the right audience group. Conclusion It is of critical importance that the right message is first identified and then send to the customer using which ever media that best suits the audiences. It might sound a difficult task but many small and large companies have been able to establish powerful brand names across the globe. Some of the most important things that we think are crucial to success of a brand campaign include adequate market research; without adequate market research and analysis it is very difficult to know what the customers think and which places do they look at when they want to buy new clothing lines. Another important factor is the way the brand distinguishes itself from other similar brands; this can be done through originality of the thought process and getting the basic original idea of the product to the customers. Secondly the pricing and packaging of the product must be according to the image that has been portrayed through advertisements and other campaigns. There is also a case for companies to target market costumers through placing the product just at the right place. This not only increases credibility but it also strenghtens the market position of the brand and the company. We must also understand that sometimes its important to factor in the initial response of the crowd about the product this attitude of constant improvement can help the company keep its brands healthy and robust. It is of critical importance for firms to avoid disturbances that might impede the message that they want their customers to receive. An important step is to first clean out and simplify the message and secondly look to develop a platform which attracts attention. For instance television adverts of Vodafone are so well choreographed that they attract the customers attention and then they tell the message in stories and other forms. This is a very good strategy to avoid any noise and disturbance from other advertisements that might be playing side by side. The Vodafone television advertisement campaign is a prime example of how firms can make an impression in the minds of the consumer for a long lasting time. Ultimately it’s the costumer base that will determine the result of the branding drive and whether it would be successful or not. The brand must be focused on a particular strength and acceptable demand of the costumers. Bibliography: Bud, Richard, 2003. Interdisciplinary approaches to human communication. Transaction Publishers. OPCUK, n. d. Examples of internal communication approaches, viewed February 6, 2010 http://www. opcuk. com/downloads/examples_of_internal_communication_approaches. pdf Branding Strategy Insider, 2010. Why a Branding Strategy Blog? Viewed February 9, 2010 http://www. brandingstrategyinsider. com/ Brand Identity Guru, n. d. Brand Strategy, viewed February 8, 2010 http://www. brandidentityguru. com/brand_strategy.htm About. com, 2010. Developing Your Brand Strategy, viewed February 8, 2010 http://marketing. about. com/od/brandstrategy/tp/brandstrategydev. htm Gelder, Sicco, 2005. Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures and Markets. Kogan PageLimited Keller, Lewi, Keller, 2008 Strategic brand management: building, measuring and managing. Mission Statements. com, n. d. Fortune 500, viewed February 7, 2010 http://www. missionstatements. com/fortune_500_mission_statements. html.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Women Speak Differently Than Men

Why Women Speak Differently Than Men INTRODUCTION This theoretical seminar paper will elaborate on the significant differences of language or speaking behaviour concerning gender. The different ways men and women use language has been of interest in the study of discourse in awhile. Current studies have revealed that women use more words related to psychological and social processes, whereas men refer more to object properties and impersonal topics. (Newman (2008) p. 211) However, do women really speak differently than men or is language possibly even sexist? Ann Weatherall, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, assumed that language issues concerning gender are political issues. Furthermore, she thinks that a womans social position is not only reflected by language, but it could challenge it. In addition, she says that certain knowledge about the relationship between language and gender is significant, due to information about strategies for engendering social change for the better. (Weatherall (2002) p. 2) The overall aim of this paper is to draw a conclusion on a de facto incidence of concrete language or speaking differences in meaning/ message, words and phrases between men and women. Where are the differences concerning politeness? Is there a womens language and why do men mostly dominate conversations, if women are better at talking than men? In which way do language skills develop during the childhood? All these questions will be answered in this theoretical analysis. Summing up, this analysis identifies when, where, and how do men and women communicate differently, including why these differences exist. The following research provides a reflection on how men and women communicate in various contexts and domains. ANALYSIS Theoretical Concepts Generally speaking, gender differences in terms of language contain political, professional and personal implications. Other guiding principles are biological or social differences, which need to be taken into consideration. The following analysis points out both sex similarities and sex differences with respect to communicative behaviour. In some domains mens normal speech is similar to womens talking behaviour and in cases they differ completely. In progress, it should be anticipated that both sexes budge in manifold cultural and social environments and thus avail themselves of alternative meanings by sharing universal terms and expressions. Those subtle distinctions often cause misunderstandings and even confusion regarding verbal and non-verbal messages. (Canary, 1998, p. ix-xi) Language differences between men and women can be found in vocabulary innovation, pronunciation, communication style and grammar. According to Ann Weatherall, a scientist of psychology, the nineteenth-century contained an awareness of a relationship between language and womens social status due to womens movement and the publications of this time. (Weatherall, 2002, pp. 2) Language Development during Infancy Even in infancy at the age of nine to fifteen years, the development of language diverse grids can be observed. In their article Sex differences in neural processing of language among children of 2008 by Douglas D. Burman, Tali Bitan and James R. Booth, the scientists research on the sex differences with regard to cerebral activities. They suggest that girls rely on a supramodal language network, whereas boys process visual and auditory words differently. Furthermore the scientists claim that females are generally better among language performance than males, even when they are only two or three years old. They say that boys start talking later, acquire vocabulary slower and show less spontaneous language than girls. (Burman (2008) pp. 1349) For their research study, they used a statistical model that generalized across task, stimulus modality, and age while accounting for variability in performance accuracy. Their findings revealed the following significant attributes: Girls exhibit a greater activation of language areas. In frontal and temporal regions the activation was bilaterally weaker among boys, as right-hemisphere activation was stronger among girls, reducing sensitivity with a higher threshold created the appearance of a laterality difference similar to that reported by others. The left fusiform and superior temporal gyri showed similar sex differences during non-linguistic sensory tasks, yet activation of the fusiform (as well as the left inferior frontal gyrus) was correlated with performance accuracy only during linguistic judgments. Correlation of the left fusiform activation with standardized reading scores further demonstrated its relevance to sex differences in language function. Finally, differences in brain behaviour correlations collapsed across language judgments or stimulus modality demonstrated that girls and boys rely on different brain areas for accurate language performance. (Burman (2008) p. 1357) Although both boys and girls showed bilateral activation, increasing our statistical threshold (thereby lowering sensitivity) resulted in marked sex differences in laterality, with frontal and temporal lobe activation appearing in the right-hemisphere of girls, where their activation was stronger than boys. (Burman (2008) p. 1358) As Jennifer Coates research found, girls acquire linguistic skills at a faster rate than boys. Moreover, they acquire patterns, which differentiate them from boys. The differences, initially thought to result from innate biological differences, are actually developments of distinctions in the linguistic environment of girls and boys. In the socialization process, language plays an important role for a child. [C]ildren are socialized into culturally approved sex roles largely through language. The process of learning to be male or female in our society means, in other words, to learn sex-appropriate language. There are four methods of acquiring socialization through language: The first approach would be through explicit comment on certain aspects of linguistic behaviour, for instance, through swearing, taboo words, verbosity or politeness. Secondly, adults provide different linguistic models for children to identify with. A third way would be that adults talk differently to children d epending on the sex of the child. Experiences say that adults tend to interrupt girls and lisp more when speaking to little girls. The fourth way says that adults have different preconditions of male and female children. Girls are expected to be more verbally able than male infants. The locus of linguistic change can be child language. Linguistic change in progress will be revealed, when we compare the variety of language acquired by children with the variety used by adults of the same ethnic groups or social classes. During infancy and adolescence the individual learns linguistic behaviour appropriate to its sex and becomes part of his or her identity. (Coates, 1986, pp. 133, 134) iii. Major Differences According to Canary and Dindia, the term gender concerns social, symbolic construction that expresses the meaning a society confers on biological sex. Furthermore, they claim gender is related to cultures within any society given. Those two researchers found various communication-related differences including that male infancy and adolescent interacting contains a lot of interruption, self-displays, challenges, strong assertion or direct judgement than female childhood and adolescent communication. Their observations showed that females rely more on verbal communication than men, comprising personal disclosures. Women exhibit this behaviour to maintain and to build intimacy with friends or potential partners. On the other hand, men put confidence in shared activities or doing complaisance for others to build, sustain and express intimacy with friends and potential partners. Additionally, the scientists claim that men only talk about relationships, if there emerged a serious tension or problem requiring attention, whereas women conciliate when talking about relationships. In general, men react less sensitive to and perceptive of others nonverbal cues than women. Moreover, females tend to be more involved in taking care for others than men do. Resulting from these facts comes the idea that both sexes follow expressive and instrumental goals, although one sex may stress one objective more than the other. In other words, males and females misunderstand each other in terms of requesting, questioning, listening or offering assistance. Contrary to sex differences, gender distinctions are cultivated, but not compulsive. (Canary, 1998, p. 20) Speaking mannerism is also shaped by group experiences such as football, hunting, ballet, cheerleading, being father or mother, president or even a hobo. Other social ideologies can be personal appearances or professional options, which underly and reflect social, economic and political power, the income and economic security, which is provided by women and men. Those indications constitute the major distinctions in male and female communication behaviour. As gender theory is seen as a social construction rooted in hierarchy, which means that power is more useful than gender in defining general differentiation. Power imbalance gives information about varieties between various groups of unequal standing, containing parents and children, slaves and masters, prisoners and guards or workplace related hierarchies. (Canary, 1998, p. 21) All in all, owing to Canarys and Dindias evidences, differences between man and women depend on social structures and practices that create and normalize disparate power and correspondingly disparate opportunities, experiences and socially approved identities and activities for the sexes. In their point of view, there was a misinterpretation of personal qualities of human beings by justifying the unequal treatment of individual persons. With the help of Tavris work on academic and popular instances and endemic differences between males and females, the researchers state that mens and womens daily behaviour is adjusted to their roles they play, the ideologies they belief in and the work they do. Thus, their human qualities can be encourages by transforming roles, ideologies and work in both sexes. A further perception in terms of social prescriptions is the fact that women are naturally better than men at taking care of others and of the range of things necessary for all of us to exist. So, we can say in the first place, the existing differences result from culture without being unalterable or essential. (Canary, 1998, pp. 34-36) When looking at conversational interaction, we observe many differences and even a polarized depiction of men and women. The differences imply thoughts, feelings, responds, reactions, love, needs and appreciation. The so-called socialization of women and men develops contrasting communication styles. From this follows that men tend to be direct and assertive, on the other hand, women have a penchant to be polite, expressive and to assume an interpersonal orientation. It needs to be added that those differences reside within the individual. A persons gender does not define its entity, but one should pay attention to what someone does in interaction with others. Male or female talking behaviour depends on the situational context and for that reason no person can be allocated masculine or feminine in significant contexts. [The] construction of polarized conception of men and women in interaction helps to sustain current realities and keep inequalities in place. (Canary, 1998, p. 77) As we learned, the comparison of talking behaviour between men and women reveals consistent gender differences in language use. For women the English language served as way to discuss people and their actions, as well as communicating internal processes to others, including doubts. Additionally, women express thoughts, emotions, senses, negations and verbs in present and past tense more often than men. For men language serves rather as a repository of labels for external events, objects and processes. Along with technical linguistic features such as numbers, articles, prepositions and long words were discussion of occupation, money, sports and even swear words. One phenomenon of both sexes is the indistinguishability in their references to sexuality, anger, time, the use of first-person plural, the number of words and question marks and the insertion of qualifiers in the form of exclusion words (e.g., but, although). The main difference of men was that their speech was characterized by more negative emotion and more references to the past relative to their writing. Natural language tends to be more informal and less constrained, perhaps because spoken language is more natural than writing. Especially girls use function words like pronouns at much higher rates in conversations. Unlike women, men talk about concrete objects, which require nouns and articles, when having a conversation about any topic. Summing up, the general message by Newman, Groom, Handelman and Pennebaker concerns gender differences that are larger on tasks and place fewer constraints on language use. Despite this, both sexes use language in reliably and systematically different ways. Writing about a traumatic experience is very different from writing a class exam, but men and women wrote differently across both contexts. This mirrors the substantial intraindividual consistency in language use reported in earlier work. Thus, gender differences in written and spoken language appear to be reliable and subtle. Their analysis has identified differences at four major levels of research- words, phrases, sentences, and overall messages. Primarily presented word differences possess the most direct correspondence to previous literature. However, many phrase-level, sentence-level, and message-level features are associated with particular word choices. (Newman, 2008, pp. 229,230) iv. Word Differences Discoveries found that women used more intensive adverbs and affect words regarding emotional references, not being always restricted to positive emotions. Successful replications for mens speaking behaviour contained a substantial increased use of numbers, articles, long words, and swearing. Women are more likely to refer both to positive feelings and to negative emotions than men, especially, sadness and anxiety. The finding of a male advantage in anger words is not replicated. The most striking discovery is that unlike men, women are the more prolific users of first-person singular pronouns (i.e., I, me, and my). (Newman, 2008, pp. 230, 231) v. Phrase Differences The category of polite forms (e.g., Would you mind if, Should I get the door?) confirms a small but reliable tendency to be appearing more often in womens texts. Women were more likely to hedge than men. However, women were no more likely to use words from the tentative category (e.g., maybe, perhaps). The use of phrases, such as I guess, indicate the findings that women use more polite forms, and are reluctant to force their views on other people. (Newman, 2008, p. 231) vi. Sentences Differences In terms of words used, men consume more airtime. The data of Newman data found no evidence of any differences in overall word count. Women ask more questions and insert more tag questions into their sentence. (Newman, 2008, p. 231) vii. Differences in message It concerns what is implicit in language rather than what is contained in languages manifest features. Even so, it is informative to consider the types of topics that males and females use their words to talk about. There is strong evidence that women seem to have more of a rapport style, discussing social topics and expressing internal thoughts and feelings more often, whereas men report more often, describing the quantity and location of objects. The absence of a difference in first-person plural may indicate that the word we is not a simple marker of a communal, interdependent mindset rather than indicating doubts about whether women really are rapport oriented. (Newman (2008) pp. 232-233) In the sociolinguistic research of sex differentiation, scientists found that sex differences in language often cut across social class variation. It seems that women from the middle class apply proportionally more standard forms, accorded to overt prestige by society. However, men from the working class apply proportionally more non-standard forms, which are closer to the vernacular. (Coates, 1986, pp. 77, 78) If we have a look at sex differences in communicative competence, it can be observed that men and women pursue different interactive modes. Exempli gartia, in mixed-sex conversations, men tend to interrupt women, which induces silence in the female mind. This strategy used by men is meant to control certain topics of conversation. In return, women have the conspicuous mannerism of minimal responses to indicate support for the person, who is talking. As a general rule, men tend to talk more, use more often swearwords or imperative forms to get things done, while women have a disposition to ask more questions. In terms of politeness, it is the women that avails herself of genteel linguistic forms. Such amassments of linguistic features are often called mens or womens style. Such conspicuous facts in speech are typical for people, who range within a low status society. Such linguistic clusters can be seen as powerful signs of mutual support and solidarity, when women talk to women. Thos e tokens can also be denoted as ideal form of co-operative discourse or co-counselling. Consequently, mens style could be describes as competitive and assertive by dominating mixed-sex interaction, whereas the womens style can be interpreted as co-operative and supportive. Looking at the speech community in respect of participation, it can be assumed that both males and females stick to a certain set of norms for conversational interaction. Needless to say, these norms are differently referring to women or men. What we can exclude is the assumption that these shared norms are grammatical or phonological, but men and women constitute distinct speech communities. (Coates, 1986, p. 117) Contexts are significantly different according to the same-sex or to mixed-sex conversations. The gender hierarchy becomes irrelevant, if all the talking participants are the same sex. In mixed-race conversation, one can observe dominance and oppression. When women interact with other women, they feel equal, but when speaking to men, they are dominated. (Coates, 1986, p. 161) IV. CONCLUSION Taking everything into consideration, interpreting the gender differences is clearly an expansive matter. Further investigation in the future could give some more indications of detailed explanation of the ways in which social roles and relationships between men and women contribute to differences in language use. As we learned during the analysis atop, the study of language caters an unambiguously social perspective on the study of gender differences. Understanding the main differences in communication style between human beings is obviously dependent on the maintenance of gender stereotypes. Communication differences concerning gender reflect a complex combination of social goals, situational demands, and socialization. The overall aim of this paper was to provide a clear outline of the differences in mens and womens language, and maybe offers a starting point for future research into the nature and origin of gender differences. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates significant differences in the way that humans use language with respect to what they say and how they choose to say it. (Newman (2008) p. 233) Furthermore, the study found that girls have significantly greater activation in linguistic areas of the brain. The pattern of activation differences and the relationship of activation with performance accuracy and reading skill suggest that these differences underlie childhood sex differences in language performance. Furthermore, the results indicate that accurate performance among boys and girls depends on different brain regions, perhaps reflecting different approaches to linguistic processing despite extensive overlap in activated regions. Girls make language judgments based on linguistic content by accessing a common language network regardless of the sensory input, whereas boys rely on a modality-specific network. Although such differences reflect early differences in processing language, evidence does not currently suggest that differences in brain-behaviour correlations persist into adulthood. Instead, such differences may disappear as the development of sensory processing in boys catches up to girls, so that by adulthood language processing in both sexes relies on the efficiency of the brains linguistic network. This possibility warrants further study. Nonetheless, by characterizing the nature of sex differences in processing language during a period in which reading acquisition occurs, our findings represent an important step toward identifying the developmental basis for sex differences in language performance. (Burman (2008) pp. 1359, 1360) Summing up, this theoretical seminar paper tried to uncover sex and gender differences and has demonstrated that not only in our society exist male and female differences in language. Linguistic sex differences have socially undesirable consequences. Mens and womens differing understanding in conversational interaction can sometimes lead to miscommunication. [This] miscommunication between adult speakers in mixed conversations assumes that women and men talk differently and have different rules for conversation, because they belong to different subcultures. The path of using language concerning girls is a contributory factor to their disadvantaged position. Differences in girls and boys language are directly related to girls oppression, when looking at the differences in the gender roles and identities of women and men and the hierarchical nature of gender relations and the dominance of men. Language is one of the means by which individuals locate themselves in social space. Completi ng, speech can be seen as an act of identity, because while speaking the individuals defines him- or herself as male or female. (Coates, 1986, pp. 160, 161) It is hoped that this paper could help to understand the way males and females use language and their linguistic relationship a little better.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

August Wilsons Rose: Surviving the Love and Deception Essay -- Litera

Alan Nadel in May All Your Fences Have Gates: Essays on the Drama of August Wilson states â€Å"August Wilson’s female characters are represented as nurturers† (6-7).This is exactly how August Wilson presents Rose to his readers. A key element is that Wilson names her after a flower just as his own mother; whose name was Daisy. It is apparent that through Rose, August Wilson wants us to see his mother. He intentionally portrays her as the caring, ideal woman, and one who stands by her man no matter how difficult this may be. Nadel also mentions: â€Å"What differentiates them is how they interpret the concept of nurturing, and what sacrifices they have to make in the process, for Wolfson’s world is always necessarily one of scarcity and limitation† (6-7). Evidently, Rose is submissive, powerful, caring and very nurturing. This is how women were anticipated to be in this era. Although Rose is submissive at the beginning of the play, she becomes a powerful woman at the end. Rose proves this when she decides to raise Raynell and by becoming involved in the church. Rose first marries Troy because she knew he would provide for her and the children they would have someday. Rose is determined to make her marriage work, even if it means giving up a little bit of herself in the process. She was certain she would be able to make Troy happy. The fact that Troy is older and confident is an important factor. Troy provides the stability that she needs. Rose was willing to be submissive as long as Troy remained faithful. Her kind-heartedness was profound. Rose took care of Troy for many years. Her nurturing ways were what made her who she was, the always caring wife, mother, and friend. Everyone who knew Rose knew s... ...right for her family. Rose rarely thought of herself. Her dream of a happy marriage would no longer be. Could she somehow relate to this poem? What happens to dream deferred? By Langston Hughes Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬--- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over--- Like syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Fortunately for Rose, she did not explode. At the end of the play she still has her pride. Works Cited Hughes, Langston. What happens to a dream deferred? Poem, 1951. Nadel, Alan. May All Your Fences Have Gates: Essays on the Drama of August Wilson. Iowa City: U. of Iowa Press, 1994. Print. Wilson, August. Fences. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2007. Print.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay -- Narrative Life Fr

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Complete Title: An Exploration of the Relationship between Southern Christianity and Slaveholding as seen in the â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Written by Himself†    Dr. Pautreaux’s comments: What makes this paper memorable is the fact that this student is also a minister. Both his command of the language and his insight as a minister gave this paper a unique view of the narrative.    We can so easily deceive ourselves into believing that what is accepted by the general population as normal behavior is also justifiably correct. Rarely do we, as a society, question our customs as long as this behavior yields such commodities as convenience, profit or social benefit. If contested, our acts become well justified and defended. All components of our lifestyle are purposefully bent to fit around popular beliefs and anything, up to and including the Holy Bible, can be distorted to advance our position. A current example of this is today's Muslim terrorists who are using teachings in their Koran to justify their position saying that the Koran dictates that they must fight a holy war, killing as many Christians and Jews as possible, even going so far as to sacrifice their own lives in the process. This sort of religious distortion, used to justify man's self-serving will, is what writer and former slave, Frederick Douglass exposes in his story of his life which he wr ote in 1845. In his story, Douglass gives us a wealth of obvious incongruities of people professing Christianity while practicing slavery: "The man who robbed me of my earnings at the end of each week meets me as a class-leader on Sunday morning, to show me the way of ... of the Christian religion itself, perhaps the present religious conflict could be resolved. We, too, have the obligation to remember that the strain of Islam that has come to fore in these days of terrorist attacks, is but an extremist fanatical derivation or a religion that also has a pure and good basis. We should all make sure that religion is not a "mere covering for the most horrid crimes--a justifying of the most appalling which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most infernal deeds...find the strongest protection" (1059) as it was in the days of slavery in the southern U. S. and in the life of Frederick Douglass. Work Cited    Douglass, Frederick. '"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave." The Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade, 3rd edition. New York: Longman, 1999. 1020-1081. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay -- Narrative Life Fr Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Complete Title: An Exploration of the Relationship between Southern Christianity and Slaveholding as seen in the â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Written by Himself†    Dr. Pautreaux’s comments: What makes this paper memorable is the fact that this student is also a minister. Both his command of the language and his insight as a minister gave this paper a unique view of the narrative.    We can so easily deceive ourselves into believing that what is accepted by the general population as normal behavior is also justifiably correct. Rarely do we, as a society, question our customs as long as this behavior yields such commodities as convenience, profit or social benefit. If contested, our acts become well justified and defended. All components of our lifestyle are purposefully bent to fit around popular beliefs and anything, up to and including the Holy Bible, can be distorted to advance our position. A current example of this is today's Muslim terrorists who are using teachings in their Koran to justify their position saying that the Koran dictates that they must fight a holy war, killing as many Christians and Jews as possible, even going so far as to sacrifice their own lives in the process. This sort of religious distortion, used to justify man's self-serving will, is what writer and former slave, Frederick Douglass exposes in his story of his life which he wr ote in 1845. In his story, Douglass gives us a wealth of obvious incongruities of people professing Christianity while practicing slavery: "The man who robbed me of my earnings at the end of each week meets me as a class-leader on Sunday morning, to show me the way of ... of the Christian religion itself, perhaps the present religious conflict could be resolved. We, too, have the obligation to remember that the strain of Islam that has come to fore in these days of terrorist attacks, is but an extremist fanatical derivation or a religion that also has a pure and good basis. We should all make sure that religion is not a "mere covering for the most horrid crimes--a justifying of the most appalling which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most infernal deeds...find the strongest protection" (1059) as it was in the days of slavery in the southern U. S. and in the life of Frederick Douglass. Work Cited    Douglass, Frederick. '"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave." The Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade, 3rd edition. New York: Longman, 1999. 1020-1081.